Travel Arrangements
Traveling & Teams
I enjoy bringing a small trained team to help. They would provide their own airline tickets and do not expect a love offering.
I prefer to book my own flight arrangements out of Redding or Sacramento, CA. Providing me with at least six weeks notice before the event will be the optimal time for my team to find the best rates. I will send you the receipt and a reimbursement request to your administration office via email. I would like to ask that the reimbursement check for the flight be sent as soon as possible.
Preparing the Schedule
I would love to have a phone call ahead with the Senior Leader of the event, at least two weeks ahead of time about what the expectations are. What is the number one thing you want to see happen? How long are your meetings? Are there any topics you would like for me to teach on? Avoid?
Transportation, Meals, Accommodation
I request transportation to and from the airport and meetings, and that my meals and lodging be covered. I prefer a male driver, or one female plus another person in order to remain above reproach. I prefer to stay in a hotel in order to be well rested for the event. If I have team members, they will be happy to be hosted in a church member’s home.
Resource Table
I would like to have the opportunity to set up a resource table in a visible location and sell media throughout the course of the event before and after the services. I would to request that the the host church provide a skilled volunteer to run it so that I focus on ministering to the people during the event. Please have your head volunteer contact me one week ahead of time so I can communicate my policy and information in regards to the resource table.
Cancellation Policy
I reserve the right to cancel a speaking engagement. Please understand this would only be in extremely rare circumstances where an emergency has come up. To date, it has never happened before.
Love Offering
I do not have a set honorarium but graciously accept whatever amount the Lord lays upon your heart to give.